The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) said the 2009 Attorney General’s Office financial report was fair and in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles, albeit with few exceptions.

“We are very happy with the result. The BPK gave a “disclaimer” opinion to our financial reports for the last three years,” AGO spokesman Didiek Darmanto said Thursday.

The BPK issues four potential opinions when auditing financial results: unqualified, qualified, disclaimer and adverse.

An unqualified opinion means a financial report is fair, accurate and was compiled according to generally-accepted accounting principles. A qualified opinion means a report is fair and accurate, with some exceptions. A disclaimer opinion means that a report cannot be assessed because it did not adhere to standard operating procedures. An adverse opinion means a report contains many irregularities.

The AGO failed to obtain a fair without exception score due to the report’s omission of traffic tickets, confiscated properties without price appraisals and seized properties with economic value, Didiek said.

“We hope to achieve a fair without exception score,” he said.

The BPK recommended that the AGO disseminate standard operating procedures for financial reporting to all its subordinate institutions and increase supervision of regional prosecutor’s offices, he added.

The AGO has come under public scrutiny after police launched an investigation of an alleged case-brokering syndicate that involved police officers, prosecutors and judges
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