The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) said the 2009 Attorney General’s Office financial report was fair and in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles, albeit with few exceptions.

“We are very happy with the result. The BPK gave a “disclaimer” opinion to our financial reports for the last three years,” AGO spokesman Didiek Darmanto said Thursday.

The BPK issues four potential opinions when auditing financial results: unqualified, qualified, disclaimer and adverse.

An unqualified opinion means a financial report is fair, accurate and was compiled according to generally-accepted accounting principles. A qualified opinion means a report is fair and accurate, with some exceptions. A disclaimer opinion means that a report cannot be assessed because it did not adhere to standard operating procedures. An adverse opinion means a report contains many irregularities.

The AGO failed to obtain a fair without exception score due to the report’s omission of traffic tickets, confiscated properties without price appraisals and seized properties with economic value, Didiek said.

“We hope to achieve a fair without exception score,” he said.

The BPK recommended that the AGO disseminate standard operating procedures for financial reporting to all its subordinate institutions and increase supervision of regional prosecutor’s offices, he added.

The AGO has come under public scrutiny after police launched an investigation of an alleged case-brokering syndicate that involved police officers, prosecutors and judges
Ketulusan Hati
8:00 AM | Author: Arifs

Kurasakan atmosfir keberhasilan sebuah cinta yang membentuk sikap kedermawanan dari sebuah ketulusan. Walau terbentur keadaan, tak enggan memberi. Itulah hasil dari ketulusan yang dibangun berdasar cinta suci yang tak terkontaminasi dengan “keinginan” yang menipu.

Terlepas dengan semua lelah yang pernah dirasakan dan perubahan keadaan yang akan selalu berubah kapanpun itu terjadi. Tak peduli esok kan jadinya bagaimana. Harap itu akan terus berhembus. Seberhembus angin yang berhembus di kesejukan fajar. Membersihkan udara dari segala polusi yang menyelisihi purity.

Kalian katakan apa yang ingin kalian katakan. Yaa, kalian pantas saja mengatakan hal demikian. Toh, memang pada nyatanya kalian berhasil menghasilkan fatamorgana baru dalam kehidupan ini. Kehidupan kalian. Bukan kehidupan kami.

Kalian dapat berkata demikian, karena kalian telah melewati jarak sedemikian yang tidak kami jangkau. Itu sah saja. Ketika goal itu telah berada di genggaman kalian, kalian bernyanyi, bertepuk, tertawa, terharu. Menyampaikan prakata yang tak termakan acuhan. Acuhan telinga yang terkadang lelah dengan penyampaian membosankan tak memberi pangan. Cukup, itulah sebuah proses kehidupan panjang seorang anak manusia mengarungi kenyataan yang harus dihadapi. Tidak bisa hanya sekedar keinginan. Tidak hanya cukup dengan sekedar cita. Tak hanya cukup dengan hanya sekedar bualan kemendidihan air panas yang seakan ingin meletus dari corong pemanas. Corong yang kapanpun terisi sesuatu, akan seperti itulah ia akan menjadi.

Wahai yang terjerumus dalam kesalahan pendekatan. Bukan itu yang kami inginkan. Boleh saja kalian katakan kami begini, namun yang nampak tidak seperti apa yang terkandung dalam isi. ombak itu telah membawa jauh pergi kita kedalam kedalaman lautan yang tak terjamah mentari. Begitu jauh tak terlihat, tak teranalisa.

Aku harap sinar itu akan segera tiba. Maka kita akan segera menyambut mesra kedatangan mereka dengan penerimaan yang penuh haru. Ketika saat ini hiruk pikuk membasahi diri kita dengan cairan tubuh yang kita rasakan sendiri, maka keharuman hening akan membasahi kita dalam suasana sejuk laksana biasan terjun telaga.

Menggapai impian tak semudah menggapai pangkal atas daun pintu yang ada di rumah. Terima kasih ini aku sampaikan kepada mereka yang secara sadar telah memberi sejumlah masukan kronos perjalanan menuju sebuah perubahan pencerahan yang selama ini terungkap. Memang, ini terlalu prematur, namun syukur itu mesti terungkap secara spontan. Dengan itu anugerah baru akan mendatangi kita berangsur-angsur.

Global Warming
4:26 AM | Author: Arifs
Global warming

Recently the people has been ultimated by something dangerous for the mankind, where the ocean would flood the piece especially surrounding of the beach. Such as in “tanjung periuk” beach that in 1980’s the water of sea was over twenty stick out to the sea, however the present of the day, land that firstly was inundated by water no more happen becase the term of the world has more hotter and on.
The thrive or progressive countries always blame to the development contries, they claimed that DC whom deserve to response it. They do not want to know whatever the reason. whereas if we or public are going to analyze the fact, and we don’t need to analyze we are enough to see only sightly, and the answer is they are who deserve to be blamed and they’re gotta to response their mistaken. If only they do not blame DC at first perhaps these articles never exist.
It cannot be refused more, the PC (progressive countries) is the causes all of that problems. Illegal logging that become one of the famous issues that planted, is not undoned from their hands in making. Then is the sand robbing that located in sumatera all of that problem only their sham or swindle in exploitation effort to build their civilization and inflict a loss upon DC for example Indonesia. According to the scientist a big partially of Jakarta city would be lost that caused by global warming. Greenhouse has made a significant effect in preservation of the world. From this case we know that the PC who have some greenhouse inside, evenmore the DC do not have nothing. How many flaw they done, and all of us will suffer the effect. The DC would’nt can to obsruct them. We know that the PC always participate our country in mixing as their obstruction effort to the progressing DC.
3o days looking for money
4:24 AM | Author: Arifs
One day in a countryside there are four boys, they are bani, Arif, Randi and Okie. They always together everywhere. At one time one of them born down upon problem, arif’s mother fall sick, arif confuse what he has to do. While Arif is pondering, bani and randi come.

Bani :rif what happen, why are you pondering?
Randi : yes, maybe we can assist you.
Arif : I don’t know. I confuse about my mother, my mother is sick.
Randi : where is your father?
Arif : they have divorced 2 years ago
Bani : you can tell this problem to Okie
Arif : honestly, I don’t want to disturb all of you
Bani : we are friends alright??, nothing must be hidden guys, we have to open one another.
Randi : correct.
Bani : okey, I and randi permit to go home
Then bani and randi return home
Randi : how can we help arif?
Bani : so do I. I’m Thinking like you.
Randi : how if we discuss this problem at okie house??
At okie house
Okie : What is happening?
Randi : like this, arif’s mother is falling sick in the hospital, but he confuse he don’t have some money to pay the medication.
Bani : what is the solution according to you???
Okie : we are going to help him in collecting money without his knowledge, and if collected we give him immediately.
Randi : wow, it is surprise.
Okie : precisely.
Bani : ok I agree
At hospital
Arif : How is my mother?
Doctor : she has started to show good result.
Arif : when she can return home??
Doctor : I think a month
Then arif go to cashier
Arif : how much do I must pay for my mother’s treatment?
Cashier : just I count first, Rp. 2000.000
Arif : how if I pay this after final of moon?
Cashier : how is this, yes ok, but if you cannot pay this until certain of time, she will be arrested and cannot go home, understand???
arif : I understand, thankyou.
In a few time Bani, okie and Randi come.
Arif : loo, how do you know whether I am here?
Randi : from your neighbour house
Bani : how is your mother now?
Arif : Alhamdulillah, better than previously. But there is matter which strangle my neck.
Okie : what is it?
Arif : the payment is very expensive, if I cannot pay it my mother will be arrested till I can finish its administration.
Arif’ friend try to help him, a day after day they have prepared their self in secrecy for the shake of assisting wisdom.
Okie : ready???
Others : ready…..!!!
They have different job. Randi becomes salesclerk, bani becomes streetbroomer, okie becomes seller of water.
Randi’s struggle
Employer : hey can you work or not?
Randi : I’m sorry sir, it is not my purpose
Bani’s struggle
“srek, srek, srek.” (the women beside him is infected unknownly)
Pedestrian : hey look around you when sweep on the street!!!
Bani : I’m sorry miss, forgive me.
Okie’s struggle
Okie : water, water
Customer : I order one gallon
Okie : for moment ma’am.
It isn’t felt 30 days has gone his mother of living. And it is the precise time for arif’s friend to help him.
In same moment arif walk sluggishly go to hospital to pay all of administration.
Cashier : have you it’s money??
Arif : yes I have (truly he has few money for it)
Arif is going to pay doubtly, suddenly bani and the other come surprising him and give him the result on arif’s hand.
Arif : ooh what did you do, over all the time..?
Okie : forget it, and take it, pay for it. Invite along your mother to your home.

Moral message : as friend we have to help each other always. Friendship is a pearl of ours. Helping a human that is getting a problem is very sublime.